Friday 29 January 2016

A response to W L Craig's "Five Reasons why God Exists". I wrote this a while ago, but have only just got round to posting it here.

The link is to the article in question.

1.  God provides the best explanation of the origin of the universe.
Essentially, this boils down to “I don’t know how the universe came to be, therefore God” – or rather “therefore my specific interpretation of God”. Argument from ignorance. Fallacious.

2.  God provides the best explanation for the fine-tuning of the universe.
This amounts to same argument; “I don’t know why the conditions of the universe are such that life (humanity) can exist, therefore God.” Fallacious.

3.  God provides the best explanation of objective moral values and duties.
Again, an argument from ignorance. “I don’t know why morals exist or how they came to exist, therefore God.” Fallacious. Besides which, even the most cursory reading of the Christian Bible shows that God is very far from a moral being such as human societies have defined morality.

4.  God provides the best explanation of the historical facts concerning Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. 
There ARE no “historical facts concerning Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection”; there is nothing but second or third-hand hearsay evidence. Craig assumes that the Biblical accounts of Jesus are factual; that is begging the question. Fallacious.

5.  God can be personally known and experienced. 
Argument from revelation/anecdote. Fallacious. People suffering all manner of delusions, from paranoid certainty that the government is watching them to belief that they were abducted by aliens, know and experience these things as being true. That does not mean that they are. Just because Christians sincerely believe that they have “personally known and experienced” God does not make that objectively true.

Even if we take all of Craig’s arguments above at face value, they STILL do not constitute convincing evidence for the existence of the Christian God; only that one or more deities exist. That is the problem with all theist apologetics; they can be used to argue for the existence of any God or pantheon at all.

Essentially, either no God exists or they all do.

Monday 28 December 2015

A bit of a blast from the past. Just went back and re-read Chadder's "demolition" of my refutation of TEA. It's hysterical! The guy makes so many errors of logic it's impossible to keep track of them all.

I actually accepted a "debate" with him on one condition back in March of 2014 - before this was posted.

I challenged him to submit TEA to a reputable journal of religious philosophy for peer review. I said I would gladly debate him if and when it passed that hurdle. Needless to say, the silence since - apart from this one post that doesn't reference it at all - has been deafening.

Monday 9 February 2015


And doesn't this make William Lane Craig look like a complete tosser?

But then, we always knew he was.

Tuesday 29 July 2014


A messages for the theists.

We – homosexuals – were here when humanity still lived in caves.

We were here when the first human settlements developed in the hills of what is now Ethiopia.

Remains of homosexual couples buried as ‘man and wife’ have been found in Neolithic grave sites dating back over 5,000 years.

We are known to have existed and been accepted and even honoured in every ancient culture on Earth, including the 60,000 year-old culture of the Australian Aboriginal peoples.

We have outlasted the Egyptian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

We have survived the European “Dark Ages.”

We have outlasted the Spanish Inquisition, the Protestant Reformation, and the witch-burnings of Europe, where homosexuals were thrown on the fires as “faggots.”

We have outlived the death camps of the Nazis, the pogroms of Stalin, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and the killing fields of Cambodia.

We have outlasted the discrimination of the 20th century, where we were branded as mentally ill, subjected to electroshock therapy, and chemical castration.

We have survived the AIDs pandemic.

We will survive your religion.

We were here at the very dawn of humanity’s existence and we will still be here when Christianity, Islam, and every other religion are nothing more than forgotten entries in abandoned history books; long after the names of your prophets and your gods have become overlooked relics of a barbarous age; long after your holy books have rotted into dust in the derelict remains of your mosques and churches and temples.

We will endure because we are part of the natural order.

Your religions are not.

They will NOT endure.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Why so negative?

Why do so many people see the human race so negatively; at one and the same time as only destructive and trivial? It seems to me that such an attitude is a hangover from the monotheist lie that humanity is "inherently evil" and destined for destruction. I do not subscribe to that belief.

There is much that is terrible in what we have done, but there is also much that is amazing.
200 years ago, the idea that humans could fly was "impossible"; 100 years ago, the idea that humans could walk on the surface of the moon was "impossible"; 50 years ago, the idea that you could carry your entire music collection or library around in your pocket was "impossible".
Never assume that anything cannot be done or cannot exist.

As a species, we have been on the Earth for the blink of an eye, relatively speaking. And yet, look at all that we have achieved in that fraction of time - both bad and good, and there is plenty of both.
There may be other civilisations beyond our solar-system that have achieved far more (I find it highly unlikely that there are not), but we do not KNOW that - yet.

For good or ill, we are the dominant species on this planet; and we are a remarkable one!

Saturday 29 March 2014

Another failure for Chad

This is my response to Chad's  attempt to defeat my refutation of TEA which he posted to a Face Book page ( recently

Before I begin, I must point out that all of the claims I make regarding my critiques and commentaries on Chad’s arguments have proof in the form of dated blog entries and screen-caps.

Most of his exceedingly long response (it runs to over 10,500 words) is just a series of cut-and-paste sections from his blog and is largely irrelevant. I’ll respond to the few bits that actually deal with my critique.

//It has just been brought to our attention however, that Mr. Godfrey recently submitted a formal refutation to TEA (The Elliott Argument).  //

Actually, I have written critiques of all of Chad’s arguments which I submitted to his blog between December 2012 and May 2013. He never responded directly to any of them, although it became obvious that he was reading them when he referred to one of the counter arguments I posited on his COL page without actually referencing that it was me who raised the argument; once in response to my “yellow shirt” example of epistemological inquiry (Feb 1st 2013) and once in response to my raising of Descartes’ “cogito” (Feb 20th 2013). So needless to say, the claim that it has “just come” to his attention is an outright lie. I wonder why it has taken Chad until now to respond to any of them (27th March 2014).

// If he ever changes he mind and wants to accept our live debate challenge we would be more than happy to publically dismantle him.  //

I attempted only once to enter one of Chad’s “live debates” on Feb 25th 2013; he blocked me from the chat room as soon as he saw my name appear. I have a screen cap of it.

// Apparently Mr. Godfrey has written numerous blogs, all of which seem to be similarly fallacious in nature, so this will be our only mention of him.  //

Actually, he attempted a refutation of one of my arguments on Feb 1st 2013. Naturally he got it all wrong.

//'SCPNCEU' actually has been reduced to 'SCPN' but Ill let that slide for now, as more than likely you don't keep up on your apologetics.//

It was still SPNCEU when I wrote the critique over a year ago. Chad likes to move the goalposts and then claim they were where he put them all along.

// We have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that STE is not only illogical, irrational, and incorrect, but also has no supporting evidence.//
// Therefore this proves that not only did space exist prior to the expansion of the singularity, but also that the concept of time was in play because ''events'' were in fact occurring.//
//It's important to note that in The Elliott Argument, STE is defined as spacetime eternal, not space AND time eternal.//
Interesting, since this is a direct quote from your version of the argument in 2012:
// P1: Both "Space and time are eternal, without a timeless personal mind." (STE) and "Something can come from pure nothingness and then create the entire Universe." (SCPNCEU) are illogical, irrational and have zero evidence.//
It seems the goalposts have shifted yet again.
Apparently Chad can’t see the contradiction in claiming first that STE (Space -Time Eternal) is “illogical, irrational, incorrect”, and without “supporting evidence”, and then immediately claiming that space-time must have pre-existed the Big Bang.

// just because spacetime existed prior to the expansion of the singularity in the Big Bang model, that does not therefore mean that spacetime was eternal in the past without true beginning.//

He seems to think this solves the problem with the argument; the assertion (without the slightest evidence to back it up) that space-time was created prior to the Big Bang. However, this begs the question of what kind of environment God existed in prior to the creation of this prior-to-the-Big-Bang space-time. In a previous discussion with Philosotroll in 2012, he makes the claim that God exists in a kind of “meta space-time” – again without the slightest shred of evidence to back it up. When Philosotroll pointed this out, Chad blocked him.
Regarding my identification of SPCNCEU as a straw man fallacy, he says:
//...It's not a strawman because even though we agree that SCPN is irrational illogical, incorrect, and has no evidence, it still remains an OPTION for atheists. Not a good one I agree, but still an option//

What Chad fails to acknowledge is that few if any atheists actually hold to the idea that the universe came from “Pure Nothingness”. Thus, it DOES qualify as a straw man fallacy, since Elliott contends that they do in blatant disregard of this fact. He creates the argument in order to knock it down.

// So you think the words 'I DONT KNOW' could be responsible for the existence of our Universe?? Do ya huh, Mr. Godfrey?? LOL!!//

And here we have a classic example of Chad deliberately failing to understand the meaning of a statement made by an opponent. What I contended was that the admission of a lack of knowledge by an atheist of how the universe came to exist is a valid answer to the question. His assertion is that I am claiming the actual words “I DON’T KNOW” brought the universe into being. Another straw man fallacy, this time tinged with his grade-school form of personal expression.

// On the basis of P2, this claim is entirely disingenuous; while the argument makes no explicit claim to support the UC option, by (falsely) asserting that there are only two other options.//
This is actually a misquote; here is the full sentence without the period incorrectly placed:
On the basis of P2, this claim is entirely disingenuous; while the argument makes no explicit claim to support the UC option, by (falsely) asserting that there are only two other options besides this that could be taken and that both are actually invalid, it very clearly implicitly supports that option to the exclusion of all others. Attempting to claim in light of this that it lends no support to the UC option is thus quite simply fallacious – it’s dishonest.”
And chad’s response to the “quote” he has manufactured:
//FAIL...We have not 'falsely' asserted that atheists only have two options. Rather it remains to be an absolute fact that atheists only have two options.//

I should be obvious by now that he has failed to establish his contention as fact.
// The same is true with the acronyms STE an SCPN. I give the correct definitions to my opponent, appeal to human logic and the law of non-contradiction, and then challenge them to prove that some other option could logically exist.//

Actually, I provided a third option in the very response he is attempting to refute here; namely that the universe could have come to exist through a completely natural, non-sentient phenomenon or series of phenomena that exist outside out space-time. As can be seen, this falls under neither STE (since it does not exist in our space-time) nor SPCN (since the universe does not emerge from “Pure nothingness”. This is Chad’s response:
// Simply saying it can be a natural, non-sentient phenomena which exists outside of space-time is nothing more than a baseless assertion.//
This is nonsense, of course. Chad has absolutely no basis to make such a claim and I challenge him to show how the argument is flawed.

// This is where we would challenge our opponent to prove that a non-personal cause (UCNPC), could also in fact be space-less, timeless, immaterial, and unchanging.//

The opposite of course is also the case; I can just as easily challenge Chad to prove that a non-personal cause of the universe cannot be “space-less, timeless, immaterial, and unchanging” – whatever that means.

As usual, Chad’s “defence” of his “undefeatable argument” cannot withstand even the most basic scrutiny.
Chalk up another fail to the AK.

I was angry at Chad for a while after discovering that he was a major plagiariser of other people’s work and was entirely comfortable with misrepresenting facts concerning scientific discoveries to support his botched argument (see entry from 20th Apr 2014).

 However, after reading up on his history, I’ve realised that his behaviour is directly attributable to his failure to achieve the greatness he once saw as inevitable. I have been down that path; on the cusp of seriously big success, only to see it vanish due to some bad luck and bad decisions. Fortunately, I found another path just as fulfilling (although less glamorous). Chad, obviously, did not.

Now I just feel sorry for him.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Chad cheats again

Chad has posted more information his his TEA blog; this time about the WMAP research that indicates that time may have existed before the expansion of the Universe. Chad has deliberately edited the original material to hide the fact that it implies a cyclic cosmos with Universes sequentially coming into being.

From Elliot’s blog:-
Roger Penrose from the University of Oxford, has published a new paper saying that the circular patterns seen in the WMAP mission data on the Cosmic Microwave Background suggest that space and time perhaps did not originate at the Big Bang. His paper also refutes the idea of inflation, a widely accepted theory of a period of very rapid expansion immediately following the Big Bang. Penrose says that inflation cannot account for the very low entropy state in which the universe was thought to have been created.

From the original article:-
One of the great physicists of our time, Roger Penrose from the University of Oxford, has published a new paper saying that the circular patterns seen in the WMAP mission data on the Cosmic Microwave Background suggest that space and time perhaps did not originate at the Big Bang but that our universe continually cycles through a series of “aeons,” and we have an eternal, cyclical cosmos. His paper also refutes the idea of inflation, a widely accepted theory of a period of very rapid expansion immediately following the Big Bang.

Penrose says that inflation cannot account for the very low entropy state in which the universe was thought to have been created.

As you see, Elliott has edited the material (italicised in the original text) to remove any reference to a cyclic model of multiple universes, a theory he specifically refutes. The man is an unconscionable liar.