Tuesday, 29 July 2014


A messages for the theists.

We – homosexuals – were here when humanity still lived in caves.

We were here when the first human settlements developed in the hills of what is now Ethiopia.

Remains of homosexual couples buried as ‘man and wife’ have been found in Neolithic grave sites dating back over 5,000 years.

We are known to have existed and been accepted and even honoured in every ancient culture on Earth, including the 60,000 year-old culture of the Australian Aboriginal peoples.

We have outlasted the Egyptian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

We have survived the European “Dark Ages.”

We have outlasted the Spanish Inquisition, the Protestant Reformation, and the witch-burnings of Europe, where homosexuals were thrown on the fires as “faggots.”

We have outlived the death camps of the Nazis, the pogroms of Stalin, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and the killing fields of Cambodia.

We have outlasted the discrimination of the 20th century, where we were branded as mentally ill, subjected to electroshock therapy, and chemical castration.

We have survived the AIDs pandemic.

We will survive your religion.

We were here at the very dawn of humanity’s existence and we will still be here when Christianity, Islam, and every other religion are nothing more than forgotten entries in abandoned history books; long after the names of your prophets and your gods have become overlooked relics of a barbarous age; long after your holy books have rotted into dust in the derelict remains of your mosques and churches and temples.

We will endure because we are part of the natural order.

Your religions are not.

They will NOT endure.

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